VINIL - SLEEVE (EX / EX-). Edição original portuguesa da A&M Records / Valentim de Carvalho. Registo raro, usado e em excelente estado. Capa de abrir, “gatefold cover”, com texto biográfico e as letras.
A1. Rodney Crowell, Jody Payne, Levon Helm, Rosanne Cash- Ride Of The Redlegs
A2. Levon Helm- Quantrill's Guerillas
A3. Johnny Cash- Six Gun Shooting
A4. Albert Lee & Bernie Leadon- Have You Heard The News?
A5. Emmylou Harris & Nick DeCaro- Heaven Ain't Ready For You Yet
A6. Johnny Cash- Help Him, Jesus
A7. Charlie Daniels & Levon Helm- The Old Clay Country
A8. Charlie Daniels- Riding With Jesse James
B1. Albert Lee- Hunt Them Down
B2. Emmylou Harris- Wish We Were Back In Missouri
B3. Levon Helm- Northfield: The Plain
B4. Charlie Daniels- Northfield: The Disaster
B5. Levon Helm & Bernie Leadon- High Walls
B6. Johnny Cash & Levon Helm- The Death Of Me
B7. Paul Kennerley- The Plot
B8. Levon Helm- One More Shot